Apple’s privacy changes are here, is your hotel ready?

A new era of consumer privacy protection has begun and Apple is leading the charge by giving users even more control over how their data is shared. The company’s recent iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and upcoming macOS Monterey updates include a Mail Privacy Protection feature, which masks the user’s IP address and prevents marketers from knowing if and when their emails were opened. Apple also recently allowed users to block its Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA), while Safari and Firefox, two of the world’s most popular web browsers, have already begun blocking third-party cookies (with Google planning to do the same in 2023).

Apple’s new privacy changes, along with the end of third-party cookies, will shape the future of email marketing in the hospitality industry. Hoteliers need to be aware of what is happening so they can adjust their strategies accordingly.

Watch the webinar to learn how to adjust your marketing strategy in line with Apple’s privacy changes.


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