Meet the Cendyn team: 5 minutes with Grace Azcarate

Name: Grace Azcarate

Title: Marketing Manager, EMEA & APAC

Describe your role: I focus on everything encompassed in marketing – content production, events, digital and account-based marketing – you name it! It’s a fantastic role because I have the opportunity to collaborate across various departments and help the overall organization qualify leads.

Where are you located? London

Tell us an unknown fact about where you are based: In London, you are almost always within walking distance of a museum. As an important cultural and historic capital, London has over 170 museums – national museums, art galleries, quirky museums, museums specializing in cartoons, advertising, medicine, toys and even Freud. There is a museum for everyone, and the best part is nearly all of them are free entry!

What attracted you to Cendyn? Firstly, I loved the fact that Cendyn operates on such an international scale with offices around the world and has a very diverse team. Secondly, I was always looking to return to the travel/hospitality tech sector as it’s an area that is always evolving and I’m truly enthusiastic about the possibilities from both a professional and personal perspective as well.

How do your strengths play into the work you do?

With five years of marketing experience in both B2B and B2C environments, plus enthusiasm for travel, hospitality and technology, I think my profile fits nicely into this role.  Having always worked in an international team, I am also well-accustomed to working across different time zones and cultures. I also make it a priority to stay on top of trends in the market to future-proof all of our marketing activity. Through my experience, I have built a strong knowledge of all marketing principles and how to leverage different channels with various audiences. I’m excited to apply those skills at Cendyn!

What do you like most about working at Cendyn? I love being surrounded by people who are passionate about what they do. Everyone is striving to deliver the best for our customers while having fun doing it! The team is honestly amazing and the company culture is very inclusive and forward-thinking.

Favorite Cendyn moment: Recently, I and the marketing team had a brainstorm for the naming of an upcoming campaign and we had the most creative session that I’ve ever been involved in. We dove into every aspect of life – nature, molecular science, explorers, literature, etc. To keep our creativity at an all-time high, we have started a Marketing Book Club where we read fantasy novels each month – first up Going Postal by Terry Pratchett!

Define hospitality in your own words: For me, hospitality means providing a comfortable and reliable stay for travelers anywhere in the world.

What do you like to do for fun? Ski, ski, ski!

Parting words of wisdom: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Ghandi


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