Pride Month 2021 at Cendyn

Pride Month 2021 at Cendyn

Celebrating Pride 2021 at Cendyn

As Pride month comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to share some of the highlights and learning activities organized by our Diversity and Inclusion committee at Cendyn. This month has provided an amazing opportunity for some to teach, and us all to learn.

From acknowledging Pride at a corporate and leadership level, down to employee engagement and learning sessions, this month has been a great step in enhancing our understanding of the LGBTQIAP+ community and encouraging everyone at Cendyn to become a better ally throughout the year. In lieu of being able to carry out these activities in person (thanks COVID), we were able to maximize our Teams meetings and events with beautiful Pride backgrounds – we hope it brightens your day and month as much as it did for us!

In celebration of self-identity, inclusivity and equality, we wish everyone a Happy Pride Month!

Pride Jeopardy!

The most notable event of the month was Pride Jeopardy! We answered questions in categories ranging from QUEER THEY/HER/HIS-TORY to PRIDE AROUND THE WORLD to TRUE OR FALSE (COMMON MYTHS). This provided a fun virtual meet up where contestants could put their Pride knowledge to the test or learn something new. This safe space provided an open channel for questions and conversation across the organization!



Quotes from the Cendyn Team on Pride Month activities:

“I joined Jeopardy for a combination of both a team event, and also supporting our core initiatives for all our team members. I learned a lot.  The LGBTQ+ community is not one I have had a lot of interaction / experience with, and the learning environment was both fun and enlightening. Everyone had an extremely positive attitude.  It was a very enjoyable time.”

-Steve Sterns, General Manager & VP Sale, APAC


“I joined because I am a fan of Jeopardy, and I loved the D&I’s team’s energy & focus on Pride Month and their commitment to educating their teammates. The game was so well designed and engaging. At no point did I feel like I could not participate. I felt ok to make a mistake and, in the process, learn! D&I is a big topic, and it takes a consistent effort across the organization. I was proud to support my teammates that are part of the D&I team, and I was excited to learn and share the experience with my fellow coworkers.”

-Haydee Fernandez, Associate Director of Customer Benchmarking & Recommendations


“I received a recommendation from a member of my team to join Jeopardy, but the end goal was to learn more about Pride Month and the LGBT community. I enjoyed how professionally it was set up as well as the efforts put in to make sure that everyone felt comfortable and included regardless of their knowledge levels and proximity to the LGBT community. I am extremely happy that the Diversity and Inclusion Committee took the time to set this up, I had a lot of fun and hope that we have similar events in the future that celebrate all of the diversity present at Cendyn!”

-Jamal Deweever, Software Engineer


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