International Women’s Day 2021

Celebrating International Women's Day!

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is ‘Choose to Challenge’. ‘Choose to Challenge’ is based around the idea that a challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. How are you choosing to challenge this year? Share what you’re doing today on social and tag #ChooseToChallenge  #IWD2021

On this International Women’s Day we are so grateful for all the strong, intelligent, talented, and simply wonderful women that makeup the Cendyn Team. We’d like to take the time to highlight just a few of these incredible women that make an impact every day. Here how other employees value these women every day.

Aileen Gerla

“Aileen is an incredibly talented addition to our team. She is collaborative, smart, and passionate about everything she does. She is truly committed and an absolute pleasure to work with –  her passion inspires me and others to keep going and find new ways to get better results. She has also been a superstar juggling being a parent in lockdown, giving 110% at work – mega shoutout to her and all the other mum’s doing INCREDIBLE things.”

Aileen Gerla

Alva Ingaharro




“It has been an absolute joy working with Alva in our Diversity & Inclusion work group. She has a unique ability to bring a smile to anyone’s face after just a minute of chatting with her. She brings an extremely positive perspective that is really infectious. I always look forward to our catch ups – we always end up going overtime chatting about everything and nothing! Thanks for being you Alva!”

Amanda Cacapava

“Amanda is one of the most positive women I have ever worked with. In addition to going above and beyond in her Training role, she takes interest in every aspect of company culture. Amanda organized and finalized the launch of Cendyn’s Knowledge Cloud, and constantly works with product and account teams to ensure releases are deployed smoothly. Outside of her assigned role, Amanda pours her heart into managing the Diversity & Inclusion committee, in hopes of inspiring organizational change.”

Amanda C

Amanda Saye



“Amanda is fabulous at her role at Cendyn and is a wonderful addition to the marketing team! She is a very collaborative teammate and radiates positivity. It’s always nice to share a laugh with her too!”

“Sales flyers, videos, verbiage, FAQ’s, patience, determination…these are just a few of the things. Since stepping into her role, Amanda has played a tremendous part in bringing product marketing to the next level. I can assertively say that customer facing documents and presentations will show off our world class products and provide confidence to the global sales team.”

Binbin Qian

“Binbin brings a strong presence to her position and team at Cendyn. Her leadership inspires while making her team stronger. She guides with precise decision and clear objectives. Her approach finds opportunities of improvement, overcoming challenges and mentoring her co-workers. She provides an invaluable contribution to Cendyn, Peers and Women alike.”

Donna Goudie




“I have reported to a few leaders in my career and none have been as awesome as Donna. Her focus on people, both in how to motivate to accomplish goals, and more importantly, her focus on those people’s job satisfaction, makes her a great leader.”

Hema Jani

“In the time that I have been able to get to know Hema, her humility, work ethic and dedication to success is tremendous. Sprint after sprint she is loaded to max capacity with stories and tasks, but not once has ever complained or felt concerned. She is an asset to the success of the Revenue Cloud. Thank you, Hema for all your contributions.”


Jayme Schreiner




“Jayme brings a fun and engaging environment to her co-workers. Her attitude and positivity for the work she and her co-workers produce is inspiring and motivational to producing goals and achievements by the team. Her work ethic brings dedication, perseverance and character to all who she engages with.”

Jesse Sherriff

“Jessica is an awesome teammate. It is always a pleasure working with her.Jessica takes ownership of her work and delivers great results to our clients. Clients love her even more than we do! She also has great sense of humor and always uplifts her team. Above all, Jessica has outstanding work ethic.”

Jordyn Getcher




“In the last few months, I had the opportunity to get to know Jordyn well. I don’t think she’s as happy as I am about this. Regardless, Jordyn is an incredible team member and has stepped up to every challenge thrown her way. She led the resource development efforts for Digital Marketing and absolutely killed it. Grateful for you Jordyn. Keep up the amazing work.”

Julia Hierlamann

“Julia is a very talented hobby confectioner, a great colleague and the most structured person I ever met. She always does a great job and consistently focus to move forward. She always has an open mind for new ideas and brings in her experience to support colleagues as well as customers.”


Katie Ronan



“Anyone that works with Katie knows she is one of the most kind and helpful team members here at Cendyn.  Her willingness to jump in and assist anyone who needs it and has the ability to turn any negative situation around into a positive.  We are grateful to have her leadership and guidance.”

Kirstine Ladd

“Kristine has proven to be a leader on the Customer Experience team, not specifically in her position, which she has, but in how she leads by example. With less than a year of experience with Cendyn, she has taken on many of our top accounts working hard to keep them on track and moving forward. I know I can count on Kristine to support our most dynamic customers.”

Laura Cerfus



“Laura is a powerhouse. Whether she’s tackling the Sendgrid migration or learning new products, she handles it all with grace, diligence, and an incredible sense of humor. The calm to my crazy. Grateful for her every day.”

Leslie Davis

“I am so thankful for Leslie’s focus, drive and business composition. With any release of a new feature or product enhancement, there are steps that must happen and fall in place for communications (both internal and external) to be successful. In addition to all that she does for Cendyn, Leslie is key to ensuring I am not missing any part of a release and how it should be communicated. Her ability to pick up the pieces, take what has been presented and make that into a well-defined release note or document is awesome! Thank you, Leslie!”

Lulu Xie




“I am highlighting Lulu because she is a force who solely started handling APAC Help Desk workload and at the same time she is kind, funny, and the best coworker anyone could wish for.”

Nicki Graham

“She is super supportive and always makes the time to get involved, even when her schedule is packed!”

Patricia v Wangenheim



“Patricia is a great colleague to work with, she is very detail and solution focused and whatever number or analysis you need, she is here to help and thanks to her many years in the company she can always shed light on the history of customers. Patricia is great fun to share a coffee or glass of wine on the office rooftop terrace. She is also a great inspiration how to juggle family and work.”

Renee Lavoie

“Renee is one of the most hardworking, talented people I know, and it has shown evident as she started as an intern and has rose through the ranks over the years earning the trust and respect of her fellow colleagues. Outside of her skillsets, one of her most notable personality traits is her positive attitude. I personally found it uplifting in our work atmosphere during these last strenuous months.  She is a role model not only internally here at Cendyn but externally as well in her personal life as an amazing mother. I have no doubt that her determination and strive for excellence will produce at fruitful career for years to come.”

Shaunett Daley



“Shaunett is not only an invaluable asset to our Cendyn team, but also a wonderful person and great role model for women in our industry.  Shaunett is passionate and effective and works hard to ensure great work product for our clients. Shaunett is always up for a challenge, and her enthusiasm is contagious. We are lucky to have her.”

Vianney Ferguson

“I have had the pleasure of working a lot more with Vianney recently and she is extremely passionate and dedicated to what she does. She always has a smile on her face and is able to bring joy to any conversation (and a Bridgerton hat too!) which has been a wonderful distraction over this past year.”

Yolegnys Pena



“Yoli is a first-generation immigrant to the United States from Cuba. She immigrated to our great country as an adult unfamiliar with the culture, language and workforce. Arriving here with both a Bachelor’s degree (Industrial Engineering from Jose Antonio Echeverria Polytechnic Superior Institute) and a Master of Business Administration from the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia she has excelled both in becoming a US Citizen and a valued Cendyn associate. Her journey with Cendyn began as a specialist in Email Marketing Services and moved to Implementations where she quickly earned a promotion to a Sr. Specialist.”


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