Meet the Cendyn team: 5 minutes with Binbin Qian

Name: Binbin Qian

Title: Senior Director of Software Development

Describe your role: I lead the development team to build and deliver world class products. Throughout the development lifecycle, I work with other departments such as product, operations and support to translate the client needs to technical needs and provide technical insight to other departments. Part of my responsibilities is to ensure the development team’s effort aligns with the client’s needs and company goals, deliver releases in a timely fashion, and facilitate communication among multiple departments.

Where are you from? I am from China.

Tell us what you like most about China: Authentic Chinese food

What attracted you to Cendyn? I joined Cendyn when I finished graduate school. It was my 2nd year in the United States. I was new to the US work culture, but Cendyn made it easy for me as everyone was so nice. In the past 13 years, I grew a lot with Cendyn and witnessed Cendyn become the leading technology company in the hospitality industry. Cendyn is family to me and I enjoy working with the people most.

How do your strengths play into the work you do? In one of our team building events we had a while back, we played a game where everyone needed to list a few key traits you know about your teammates. Almost not surprised, everyone listed “organized”, “process driven”, “planner” for me. Yes, my strength is to spot inefficiency and create processes that facilitate teams to work more collaboratively and productively.

What do you like most about working at Cendyn? People. I love working with all the amazing people in Cendyn.

Favorite Cendyn moment: Those fun Christmas parties before COVID.

Define hospitality in your own words: Hospitality provides a safe and comfortable environment that facilities creating life-long memories.

What do you like to do for fun? I enjoy spending time with my husband and 2 young kids. Our most recent fun activity is to go jet skiing on weekends. We all enjoy the ocean, wind and speed. My daughter’s favorite word while riding a jet ski is “Faster!”.

Parting words of wisdom: 己所不欲,勿施于人。(Do not impose on others that you yourself do not desire.)


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