Fontainebleau Miami Beach - Cendyn Customer Success Story

Fontainebleau Miami Beach yields $46K in revenue with Snapchat campaign


One of Fontainebleau Miami Beach’s strategic objectives in 2024 was to reaffirm the brand position. One of the tactics to achieve this objective was exploring new channels including Snapchat, Pinterest, and TikTok to reach different audiences and promote different lines of business.

The goal of these paid social campaigns was to drive awareness, direct bookings, and revenue for the property.

Fontainebleau Miami Beach - Cabana


An upper funnel campaign was launched in April 2024 on all three channels, using creatives with strategic copy and imagery to target a prospecting audience (LAL and Behavioral Interest).

A lower funnel campaign was launched in June 2024 on all three, using creatives with strategic copy and imagery to appeal to a retargeting audience (Website Visitors, Ad Engagers & CRM).


The Snapchat campaign had astonishing results, to the surprise of the Cendyn team. It was expected that other channels like Pinterest and TikTok would outperform in terms of bookings and revenue. TikTok and Pinterest drove more awareness with higher impressions but Snapchat drove far greater bookings and revenue.

The Snapchat Launch and Growth Campaign generated $46K in revenue with a spend of $14,435 and Blended ROAs of 3:1.

Results per channel for campaigns running from April to August 2024:


  • Spend: $14,435
  • Impressions: 785.73K
  • Clicks: 8K
  • Bookings: 40
  • Revenue: $46K
  • Blended ROAs: 3:1


  • Spend: $15.5K
  • Impressions: 2.8M
  • Clicks: 68.3K
  • Check Avails: 161


  • Spend: $17.9K
  • Impressions: 3.99M
  • Clicks: 18.84K
$46 K
Revenue generated by the Snapchat campaign
786 K
Impressions generated by the Snapchat campaign
8 K
Clicks generated by the Snapchat campaign
Blended ROAS for the Snapchat campaign

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Fontainebleau Hotel Miami Beach


The historic Fontainebleau Hotel Miami Beach is one of the largest and most significant properties on the East Coast. Featuring 1,500 rooms, dozens of restaurants, spas, pools and music venues, the “bleau” has hosted every celebrity you can imagine, including Elvis, The Rat Pack and Justin Bieber. High-end clientele from all over the world mix with locals visiting the beautiful, oceanfront hotel for spa days, anniversaries and late-night celebrations.

Products Used

CRM, Digital Marketing

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