RIHGA Royal Hotels utilizes Cendyn Booking Engine to cater to both international and local guests
Since opening its first hotel in 1935, RIHGA Royal Hotels have focussed on attentive hospitality, based on traditional values which truly represent Japanese culture.
Cendyn was appointed to bring these traditions into the digital age, to serve both domestic guests from Japan and international visitors.
Two booking engines were implemented, Cendyn Booking Engine for international, and another booking engine with a UX specifically designed for the Japanese market.
Multi-currency support was provided as standard and content was localized in 4 international languages. A digital marketing strategy was built to expedite post-pandemic recovery.
Booking Engine
Deployed with international and Japanese market user interfaces
The booking flow was optimised in 4 languages for the chain’s largest source markets
Demand Generation
A digital marketing strategy to increase domestic & international direct bookings

This case study was completed before Cendyn acquired DigitalHotelier but RIHGA Royal Hotels now benefits from the suite of Cendyn products.
RIHGA Royal Hotels
RIHGA Royal Hotels is one of the leading hotels in Japan with a vast and prestigious legacy. Whether travelling for business or pleasure, RIHGA Royal Hotels provides your ideal home away from home with their exquisiste facilities and legendary Japanese hospitality wherever you travel.